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Автор: ФедЭкстрим | 2022-01-07 01:07:24
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(In Russ.). 7. Drucker P. Management of professionals. Buhgalterskij upravlencheskij uchet=Management Accounting. 1996;(7):11-19. (In Russ.). 8. Vetluzhskikh E. Motivation and remuneration. Tools. Techniques. Practice. 8th ed. Moscow : Alpina Publisher, 2017. 321 p. (In Russ.). 9. Herzberg F. Motivation to work. Moscow : Praktika, 2008. 211 p. (In Russ.). 10. Stewart-Kotze R. Effectiveness: Secrets of effective behavior. Moscow : Alpina Publisher, 2012. 280 p. (In Russ.). 11. Drucker P. Managementpractice. Moscow : Williams, 2009. 432 p. (In Russ.). 12. Shane E. Theory and practice of management: organizational culture and leadership. Moscow : Peter House, 2002. 336 p. (In Russ.). 13. Bennis U. Becoming a leader. Moscow : Foundation for Socio-Prognostic Research. «Trends», 2007. 278 p. (In Russ.). 14. Gorbunova M.A. Personnel management : textbook. Moscow : KNORUS, 2017. 264 p. (In Russ.). 15. KovalchukYu.V., Gushchina L.I., Gordienko E.G. Personnel management: concepts, methods, technologies. Moscow : Yurayt, 2018. 243 p. (In Russ.). 16. Belova L.T. Virtual labor migration of highly qualified specialists and the online labor market. Ekonomicheskie sistemy = Economic Systems. 2022;15(4(59)):122-131. (In Russ.). Информация об авторе / Information about the author Д.Е. Чернышов - аспирант. D.E. Chernyshov - Ph.D. student. Статья поступила в редакцию 12.02.2024, одобрена после рецензирования 28.02.2024; принята к публикации 05.03.2024. The article was submitted 12.02.2024; approved after reviewing 28.02.2024; accepted for publication 05.03.2024.Скачать Gaminator APK для Android -
At: Notary/2021/2/Notary_2_21-4.pdf (accessed: 11.08.2023) (In Russ.) 6. Sukhareva EG. Problems of Legal Assessment of Business Accelerators in the Russian Federation. Actual Problems of Russian Law. 2022;9:136-143. DOI: 9.136-143 (In Russ.) 7. Mukhamedshin IS, Ermakov AV, Smolik VYu. Economic Partnerships - Expectations of the Legislator and the Current Market Situation. Lawyer. 2021;3:51-56. (In Russ.) 8. Alekseeva SA. SAFE Agreement as an Alternative to a Convertible Loan Agreement: Experience of Foreign Countries. Notary. 2023;2:57-60. DOI: (In Russ.) 9. Tsvetkova ES. Comparison of a Convertible Loan Agreement and Option Agreement From the Position of Protecting the Rights of Investors on the Example of Limited Liability Companies. Notary Bulletin. 2023;4:4-16. (In Russ.) 10. Ilyushina MN. A Convertible Loan Agreement as a New Contractual and Legally Binding Mechanism of Regulation of Corporate Relations in Limited Liability Companies. Civil Law. 2022;3:31-35. (In Russ.) 11. Vorozhevich AS. Venture Investment Contract: Essence, Design, Problems Of Minimizing Investor Risks. Law. 2013;4:139-147. (In Russ.) 12. Golovchenko ON. Tax Incentives for Development of High-Tech Business Entities. Financial law. 2023;3:21-24. (In Russ.) 13. Savitskiy AI. Taxation of Scientific Research (Part 1). Taxes. 2020;6:31-36. (In Russ.) 14. Yankovsky RM. Legal Regulation of Venture Investment : PhD Thesis. Moscow, 2018. 32 p. (In Russ.) 15. Yankovsky RM. Legal Forms of Venture Investment (Part 3): Startups. Law and Economics. 2017;9:22-29. Available at: formy_proektnoj_kompanii (accessed: 11.08.2023) (In Russ.) 16. Yankovsky RM. Legal Forms of Venture Investing (Part 2): Partnerships. Law and Economics. 2017;7:58-65. Available at: https:// accessed: 11.08.2023) (In Russ.) 17. Yankovsky RM. Legal Forms of Venture Investment (Part 1): Venture Fund Structures. Law and Economics. 2017;6:52-59. Available at: https://www. no-pravovye_formy_vencurnogo_investirovania_cast_1_struktury_ven-curnyh_fondov (accessed: 11.08.2023) (In Russ.) 18. Yankovsky RM. Legal Means of Venture Transaction Completion. Entrepreneurial law. Appendix "Law and Business". 2017;3:42-48. (In Russ.) 19. Illarionov NV. Formation of a StrategySlotpicker - Случайный генератор казино слотов
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Садись, 2!
за стеклом-2 )
голоса - 2,
Для Max R: Забыли уже:))) Я говорила, что «наращиваю»:))) Хотя, теперь это уже не имеет значения... Я уже давно поняла, что «ошиблась адресом»...
Пы. Сы 2
Я поражен... 2.
2 шалавы
2) Никаких обломов
2)Неудавшаяся прогулка. Часть 2:Плечёвка
а рассказ, ну как сказать... он рассказ и есть не хуже и не лучше. Особо не зацепил из 10 — max 7
2. рассказ оригинален
2. Скайп
3. Знаки — 2
Великолепно[2] :)
2 хм
1 2 часть
Когда 2 часть
2. «дaришь мигрeнью.»
Групповой секс 2 на 2, темнота. Тут мужик вскакивает и орет:
2)Неудавшаяся прогулка.Часть 2
2) Ебанутая.
2) Это сказка.
№2 восхитительна)