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Автор: бдгКсенВ душе | 2023-10-21 13:55:05

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Смотреть что такое "amount of bet" в других словарях: bet*/ — [bet] (past tense past participle bet) verb [I/T] I to risk an amount of money by saying what you think will happen in a race or game Thousands of people bet on the result of the match.[/ex] I bet £10 on each of the horses.[/ex] He bet me £20… … Dictionary for writing and speaking Englishbet — n Bet, wager, stake, pot, ante denote in common something of value, usually money, risked in the confidence or hope that something is true or will turn out in a certain way, something else of value being risked by at least one other party in… … New Dictionary of Synonymsbet — /bet/ noun an amount deposited when you risk money on the result of a race or of a game ■ verb to risk money on the result of something ● He bet £100 on the result of the election. ● I bet you £25 the dollar will rise against the pound … Dictionary of banking and financeBET(H)-SHEAN — (Heb. בֵּית שְׁאָן), biblical city whose name is preserved in the former Arab town of Beisan (Josh. 17:11, 16; Judg. 1:27; I Sam. 31:10, 12; 2 Sam. 21:12; I Kgs. 4:12; I Chron. 7:29). Written sources mention Beth Shean as being in a plain close… … Encyclopedia of Judaismbet — [[t]be̱t[/t]] ♦♦♦ bets, betting (The form bet is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle.) 1) VERB If you bet on the result of a horse race, football game, or other event, you give someone a sum of money which they… … English dictionarybet — I UK [bet] / US verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms bet : present tense I/you/we/they bet he/she/it bets present participle betting past tense bet past participle bet ** to risk an amount of money by saying what you think will happen,… … English dictionarybet — v. & n. v. (betting; past and past part. bet or betted) 1 intr. (foll. by on or against with ref. to the outcome) risk a sum of money etc. against another s on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event (esp. the result of a race, game,… … Useful english dictionaryamount of heat — šilumos kiekis statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Energijos kiekis, kurį gauna (atiduoda) šilumos mainų metu kūnas ar sistema. Skirtingai negu vidinė

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